Tuesday, July 23, 2019


Greetings and Salutations!

It me! 

Welcome to my little corner of the internet! I know some would say that blogs are old hat but I would rather connect with my readers and post updates here for now. 

I'm still unsure what else will be on here when going forward with my writing career but for now I'll limit it to updates, reflections, and extras from the stories I write. Whenever I will post updates about either delays or (if I'm in the groove) posting parts of a chapter more than once then I'll put it here. Reflections are things that I wanna discuss some aspects of a story I have written that you guys have questions about. Extras include some character profiles, maybe some artwork (lol I wish), and all that good stuff that breathes life into my stories. With that being said I would like to extend my deepest thanks to anyone who is reading this and has already read my work. I'm an aspiring fiction writer and I've always wanted to captivate people with stories, make them feel emotions using only words arranged into paragraphs, and generally entertain them with what I write. I appreciate all those who have shown support for what I do.

(c) to my best friend Stargazer for this cute chibi drawing of my old Pokemon Go avatar. Find her here: 